Friday, August 24, 2007

My Last (Or Latest) Indulgence

I finally got myself a copy of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, the last installment in the phenomenal Harry Potter series. The urge to get myself a copy was so strong that although the book was way beyond the thousand peso mark, I went ahead and got one anyway. Incidentally, it's probably P47 to a dollar, so the book costs approximately 28 dollars. This installment happens to be my first ever Harry Potter book, one I can call my own. I've read all six installments but they are all owned by my cousin. I intend to get myself the complete series, now that National Bookstore, the pricey bookstore I go to, is on sale. There's also a new bookstore at the mall I frequent, Fully Booked. I'll probably be writing an entry on the bookstores I get my books from soon.

I'm not a cheapskate. I'm not wanting when it comes to money. I was just taught to live frugally and I guess I exercise sufficient control when it comes to spending. There are times when I shop impulsively. But then again, I don't shop much. The only time I splurge on clothes is during the Christmas season. Whenever I feel like shopping, it's usually for books, CD's, and Vcd's/DVD's, my indulgences. But even with these, I exercise control. I don't jump right ahead and buy them as soon as they're out on the market. I wait for them to go on sale. As I've said in my earlier entry, I scour second-hand bookstores for quality titles. There are good finds in excellent condition you'd think I bought them from a pricey bookstore. As to Vcd's/DVD's, I wait until they go on sale, then I buy by the bulk. The most expensive DVD I have is 300, bought two weeks after its official release. For the sum of 16 dollars, I get a free movie art book.

I take special care in handling things that you wouldn't hesitate to lend me your rarest titles. Which is why I hate it when people return my stuff and I find pages puked on or discs mutilated - I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea.

My biggest indulgence would probably be completing the Friends series. I got the ninth season, courtesy of my aunt. A series costs about $20, so it'll probably be a slow project as I'm willing to shell out that amount once a month. I got nine more seasons to go, and at the rate of a season a month, my collection of this television series will be completed in nine months. Not bad. Slowly but surely, I always say.

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