Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Random Images

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Friendships forged, laughter shared -

Tears shed, problems aired -

A cup stands witness to these.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Christmas List


The Decors. Time and time again, I've been fascinated with the decors that spring up every Christmas. I am all for the elaborate and the grand. I gaze with never-ending delight at those towering Christmas trees, with the most extravagant of trimmings. I love the blue and silver combination, although the red and gold comes a very close second. Whenever I visit the malls during the Christmas holidays, I make it a point to drop by that section where they put on display the decors they sell. And their Christmas trees never fail to awe me.


Next on my list is the Nativity Scene of huge proportions and intricate details. The Belen, as it is commonly called in my country, is the ultimate symbol of why we celebrate Christmas. Back home, we have this really cute Belen that plays music, with a minuscule light coming from the star.

Another favourite are Santa Claus figurines, whatever be their size, proportion, and action. Lately, various Santa Clauses-in-action have been displayed in malls and on the streets: Santa Claus climbing down the chimney, Santa Claus in parachute, Santa Claus playing the get the idea.


Of course, Christmas lanterns, or Parol, are another favourite. Surprisingly, while I'm all for the magnificent when it comes to other Christmas decorations, I deviate when the stars are out. A lantern simply designed sets my heart a-flutter in the same manner that a stately lantern does.

A recent addition to my list is the Lemax Village Collection, which is being distributed in my country by Kaluxe. The collection has all sorts of table accents and figurines, depends on what theme you want to create for your village. As I love everything about Christmas, and I think the village collection comes out in my country only during Christmas, then I guess the village collection belongs to this list. It's a collection of sorts, and I plan to begin the collection this year.

To be continued...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Random Images



Round, round, round it goes. Does it stop? Nobody knows. Spin, spin, spin it does. Does it break? Nobody asks. The lights, they glare; yet I stare. The motion, it sickens; yet I would not dare
