Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Goodbye August (A Month's Worth of Blog)

I have spent the whole month of August feeding bits of information about myself to the World Wide Web. And I must say: so far, so good. While it was not my life's mission to spill the beans on myself when I started this blog, this has been the closest I can get to an autobiography. Besides, I'm still hiding behind the name Crazy Insomniac. I was, and still am, apprehensive to be writing about myself, my thoughts, my deepest secrets over at the Internet. I don't even keep a diary. But I want to think that I'm finally opening up, albeit gradually. Easy does it.

Anyway, my life's not that interesting to warrant a blog. But hey, it's a free world and the blog's free.

August is almost over. And what have I done for the past month? Nothing much. Still waiting for the approval of my job application. And to make the wait tolerable, I read books, watch movies and surf the Net - the usual stuff. I also run errands for my mom in between.

I'm currently reading John Grisham's The Chamber. It's a 1994 novel, I know, but I haven't read this one yet. I'm collecting the author's works, remember? I'm just through with The Broker, and while it may not be Grisham's best, it's still a good read, thanks partly to the witty dialogue.

When I feel lazy opening a book, I pop in videos, but it's mostly Walt Disney these past days - Beauty and the Beast (my favorite) and Aladdin. I'm contemplating Mulan later in the day.

Television? Not much. Internet? Just surfing. I'm looking into Julia Stiles and I plan to write something about my favorite romcom movie The Prince & Me soon. I know my reviews are over at the other blog, but I can't help it with this movie. I'll probably be writing reviews of what I find worthwhile in this blog once in a while.

Anyway, this entry looks like a summary of the past month and a taste of my entries for the next month. Hmm, I think this is going to be a monthly thingy. I hope September will be more eventful so I can have an interesting summary.

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