Sunday, August 12, 2007

My Favorite Things

I was watching The Sound of Music days ago and, of course, came across the song My Favorite Things. The movie made me pop The Phantom of the Opera and West Side Story into the player, the result of which was my treating myself to an afternoon of musical. While I was watching the Phantom, I tried so hard to convince myself that the lead actor played King Leonidas in 300. Maybe it was the mask and the fact that in 300, Gerard Butler sported a beard, that I found it difficult to see the similarity and gave up angling my head from side to side just to get the view I wanted and convince myself that, yeah, they look the same.

Anyway, my favorite things. There's none, really. Unless I take into account the fact that I'm a collector, although not in the strictest sense of the word. I mean, yes, I collect DVD's and Vcd's of my favorite movies or movies I think are worth immortalizing in my CD cases. I collect Cd's of my favorite music artists. I collect books written by my favorite authors or books which I consider to be good reads. It's not so much as collecting as buying, though. I would want to think that I'm simply buying these things because I want to watch the movies all over again, or listen to the songs one more time, or read the books yet again. I was not a collector to begin with. I just want to collect when I feel like collecting then give up after a few days. The end result: I haven't collected anything that's worthy to be called a collection. Except maybe the DVD's, Vcd's, Cd's, and books I got for myself.

I started buying or collecting DVDs/Vcd's when this guy from somewhere (not from the Philippines; another story for another day) gave me Vcd's as a form of pasalubong - tokens you give to someone when you've gone traveling or when you're from a place different from the recipient. Apparently, he's a DVD aficionado. And I sort of caught the bug. I started buying Vcd's for myself; then I progressed to DVDs. My limited financial resources affect my decision on whether to buy the DVD or just the Vcd of the movie though.

The music came with the former. But I don't buy Cd's as much as I buy DVD's/Vcd's, mainly because I hear the songs played repeatedly over the radio, plus I can download the music anytime. So the choice of Cd's are usually limited to the most favorite artists.

My mom's a bookworm. I don't know if you can inherit that but I've definitely been a bookworm for as long as I can remember, and I'm crediting my mom for it. As much I loved to read when I was younger, I didn't buy books for myself then. So the books I read were borrowed from friends and, of course, the books my mom let me read. Whenever my mom and I would pass a bookstore, she would persuade me to go find a book of my own but I'd always say that I'd just borrow hers when she was through. The collecting started when my cousin's guy friend lent me a John Grisham book. The next thing I knew, I would scour second-hand bookstores for quality titles. I also buy my books from those really pricey bookstores but not if I can help it.

I do plan to start collecting articles; what those articles are, I do not yet know. I'm thinking different Santa Claus images. I'm thinking snow globes. I'm thinking match box cars. Oh, I almost forgot: I got two movie posters, both gifts. I don't know if that'll count. And there's something else: I haven't got any space to put the articles on once I start to collect. The DVDs/Vcd's/Cd's are crammed in one corner of the room, neatly arranged in their cases. The books are stuffed in storage boxes as there's no space for a decent bookshelf. Maybe the reason why I haven't collected collectible articles yet is because I have no place to display them. Or maybe I'm just making excuses for not starting to collect. Or maybe I'm not really a collector collector.

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