Saturday, October 20, 2007

Major Blog Makeover

I had 'overhaul' in my mind for the title, but I thought 'overhaul' was such a strong word, so I opted for the 'makeover'. And what a makeover it is.

I finally managed to have ads on my blog, after a week of 'error on page'. But I cannot, for the life of me, understand why I seem to have difficulty in copying and pasting pictures for my entries to make them a tad more interesting; although my entries are interesting enough as they are, with or without pictures (hahaha!). I added some page elements too, considering that I've kind of branched out a bit to include reviews of my favorite movies and books. So on the right-hand side of my blog, there's a List. Inspired by John Grisham's The Last Juror, I added a Religion Corner, which will consist of Bible passages, or prayers to Saints, or anything that has to do with anything religious. I also added a Currently reading... corner. The title of the said corner pretty much gives you an idea what it is about, doesn't it?

I wanted to add pictures, wallpapers really, of my favorite movies at the end of the blog page, but I had difficulty in making them shrink to fit. What the heck. I might be adding a few more page elements for quotes whenever I feel like it.

Anyway, I like the way my blog looks now. I'm seriously contemplating of changing the template once in a while (read: once a month), just for the heck of it. We'll see.

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