Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Movie Library


Yet another alien movie, this time with a comedic twist, Evolution does not attempt to line itself with those kick-ass extra terrestrial movies who have got the geeks gushing. This is just a feel-good alien movie, with lots of laughs in between. And of course it helps that the dashing David Duchovny stars in it.

She’s All That

I grew up reading teen romance, and once you’ve read one, you’ve read them all. Hot popular guy falling for a geek, obscure girl. This movie is exactly that formulaic plot. Since the storyline is predictable, the challenge now is to let the viewers stick around to at least finish the movie. In my opinion, the movie failed in this regard because of the bland acting; no matter how good-looking the actors were, that alone isn’t enough to keep me glued to the screen.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

This movie sizzles both in action and romance. I just loved watching the couple trying to kill each other, in the middle of making their marriage work. It was sweet, in a twisted kind of way.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Alien Saga

The weekend was spent watching all four installments of Alien which stars Sigourney Weaver. No particular reason for popping in the CDs, except that they have been sitting quietly for a long time on my collection now.
The story begins with a crew of seven on board the commercial ship, Nostromo, bound for earth after a harvest of ores in space. Somewhere along their route, they interrupt what they think is a distress signal from an uninhabited planet. The crew checks it out and this is where the action begins. One of the crew, Kane, discovers strange-looking objects which he describes as eggs covered in leather. When he bends in for a closer look, one of the eggs opens and out comes an organism which lands on his face and sticks to it. Back on the ship, despite objections from Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) due to quarantine regulations, the science officer, Ash, tries to remove the organism from Kane’s face. After several attempts, which included cutting off one of the organism’s ‘finger’ – bad idea, by the way, because it excreted dangerous acid-like substance when cut – Ash decides to just leave the organism alone. Eventually, the organism comes off Kane, and everything is back to normal during dinner. Well, almost, because midway, Kane convulses and out of his chest bursts an ugly-looking creature and before anyone could properly react, it dashes off. A search is organized, and amidst the numerous dark and dank passageway of the ship, the crew, one by one, is being terminated by the creature, and with each termination, it grows bigger and stronger. The only survivor is Ripley, and Jones, the cat.

When the captain of the crew, Dallas, dies, Ripley discovers that Ash is an android, and that he is being ordered by the company to bring in the creature for further study. Ripley learns that the company responsible for their exploration in space rerouted the ship to bring in whatever organism produces the signal the ship was able to interrupt. She also discovers the shocking order that the creature was a priority, and the crew, expendable. Ripley, alone, battles the creature and blows it to kingdom come.

So we are left with an image of Ripley floating through space. 57 years later (I didn’t know it was possible to float through space that long), the shuttle she’s in is accidentally discovered by a salvage ship and she’s brought back to earth, where she is accused of blowing up the space ship. It turns out that the company which commissioned her is somehow the same company which found her. Now, what are the odds? Her explanations of alien existence land on deaf ears, and she is brought up-to-date with the information that the planet, LV-426, where the Nostromo crew found the supposed alien, is now inhabited by space colonists. The problem arises when communication with the colony on the said planet is mysteriously cut-off. Carter Burke, a corporation executive, goes to Ripley with the proposal that she accompanies a group of marines, as a consultant, to LV-426, the one place Ripley does not ever want to go back to. Eventually she gives in with a promise on the part of Burke that if they find aliens on the planet, the creatures will be destroyed. Ripley teams up with a bunch of hard-nosed marine, led by a by-the-book squadron commander, Gorman, with a scant knowledge in combat. He redeems himself in the end, however, but that’s getting way ahead of the story. The group lands on LV-426, and is greeted by thousands of the specie Ripley has met before. Apparently, a mother alien is laying the thousands of eggs which spew forth organisms that immobilize the colonists to be hosts for the parasites. Amid the wreckage, a lone survivor, Newt, is found. Ripley and the little girl forms an intimate bond, so intimate that Ripley is willing to battle the mother alien to rescue Newt when the girl is captured to be a parasite-host. As in the first installment, everybody dies, except for Ripley, Newt, a heavily injured Corporal Hicks, and the android Bishop who, however, is destroyed beyond repair, but he still talks, mind you.

Again, we are left with an image of Ripley floating through space. Her ship crash-lands on a prison planet, Fiorina 161, leaving the rest of her companions dead. Again, she is the sole survivor, who teams up with a motley crew of hard-core criminals to fight off an alien who, somehow, manages to tag along Ripley’s ride from LV-426, and begins feeding on the prisoners, one by one, as in the first installment. Ripley and the gang do the impossible feat of battling the alien without any weapons, but through innovative use of whatever materials they can find in the area. The plot is somewhat muddled here, because I cannot quite understand how Ripley got a creature inside her, more so the queen alien. Anyhow, she is impregnated with this creature, and towards the end, when the company gets wind of the neuroscan, it immediately orders Ripley’s evacuation from the prison planet. Ripley, already aware of what the company really wants, throws herself into the furnace, the alien still inside her. She dies.

Somehow, two hundred years later, Ripley and the alien inside her are cloned by a determined group of government scientists who want to breed the ultimate weapon. From the Ripley clone, a queen alien is extracted and kept in isolation to lay eggs. A different Ripley emerges in this last Alien installment – a stronger, amoral, indifferent Ripley. Now The Betty, a cargo ship docks on the vessel housing Ripley, bringing with them precious cargo. These cargo turn out to be frozen people who are to serve as parasite-hosts. Eventually, these parasites were able to escape – by killing one of their kind and using its blood to melt their metal prison. Surely, you’d think that after more than a hundred years of study of these species, someone would somehow come up with a more effective material which could withstand these creatures’ blood. But hey, where’s the thrill in that eh? Anyway, the parasites escape, and once again, Ripley, this time teaming-up with the renegade crew of The Betty, fight off a faster, stronger breed of these species.

Surprisingly, Ripley survives with some of the crew, and even manages to get back to Earth.

I thought the first and second installments were brilliant depictions of the horror and action involved in space encounters of the third kind. The third installment somewhat fell short, both in horror and action, considering that it trailed such spectacular movies. I commend, though, the efforts of bringing in the concept of fighting off aliens without hi-tech weapons. Thank goodness it was just one alien. The fourth installment, while rehashing almost the whole story of the previous installments, was more visually stunning than the third, and it showed a more mature Ripley in terms of acting. 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Movie Library

The Man In The Iron Mask
It’s probably more fiction than fact but a lot has been written about the probable identity of the prisoner in the iron mask. No, it isn’t Leonardo DiCaprio. Who would want to hide that handsome face behind a gruesome mask? Sadly though, Leo is just the face, never the actor, in this movie. He did not have enough acting prowess to hold his ground alongside the likes of Jeremy Irons. Still, this is one of my favorite movies.

Edward Scissorhands
I thought this movie was poignant, candy-colored houses and cutely structured bushes notwithstanding. Johnny Depp displayed such depth in his character, you can’t help but feel for him despite the freakish appearance.

Devil’s Advocate
I honestly couldn’t grasp the concept of the movie, so correct me if I’m wrong. Does the movie say that Keanu Reeves’s character is the devil’s spawn? And that the devil needs him to dominate the millennium? Assuming I got the concept correctly, a lot of questions still arise making the plot more muddled than it already is. In my honest opinion, the movie was too ambitious tackling this side of the story when it could have done ok just making the hotshot lawyer an advocate.

The Firm
Is it as good as the novel by John Grisham? I would say it’s passable. Although I thought it unfair for Tom Cruise’s character to have his cake and eat it too. The movie would have had more impact had they stuck to the novel’s plot. It was kind of funny going after the Mafia through mail fraud.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Belatedly honoring Earth Day, I popped the disc on my player and was virtually entertained. It’s CGI at its best, thinning the line between animation and live film. Although the plot leaves much to be desired, I can deal with the fact that the Earth has a spirit and whatever action we do which destroys the Earth, destroys her spirit. Just enjoy the movie for what it is – a breakthrough in movie-making.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Random Images

Coco 28

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For the travel article, click here.

For more pictures, click here.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Movie Library

10000626 Kate & Leopold

I will forego all attempts to explain the logic of the movie’s plot, and concentrate instead on the actors’ portrayal of their characters. Hugh Jackman, I realized while watching this movie, is the dream man of all those romance novelists who have unknowingly fed me with idealized passion when I was younger, only to be crushed with harsh reality when I got older. Meg Ryan was still the Meg Ryan I fell in love with. I thought, though, that the chemistry between the two was not enough to cause the explosion of the laboratory…only its apparatus.



Sweet November

Again, I will dispense with the explanation of the logic, or lack of it, in Charlize Theron’s character. The deeper I think about it, the more I agree with Keanu Reeve’s character’s observation that this once-a-month benevolence is merely an excuse to get laid. However, I did enjoy the movie, if only because of Keanu Reeves. It’s sickening, I know; but deal with the fact that I am a fan of the stiff guy. Besides, logic set aside, I thought the movie was nice enough to get me through it. It helps that the scenic San Francisco was a sight to behold.



The Swan Princess

It ain’t Disney so don’t get your hopes so high on this one. Nevertheless, the kids will probably enjoy the vibrant colors. As to the story and soundtrack, the adults will appreciate them more than the kids.






This romcom is climbing the charts of my most favorite movies in the genre. John Cusack was simply adorable in this movie, evoking just the right emotion in a man torn between the woman he’s going to marry and the woman who got away. I thought he redeemed Kate Beckinsale’s rather bland portrayal of Sara. I must give special mention to Jeremy Piven – the guy is just so downright funny.



Catch Me If You Can

A light, breezy, and enjoyable movie of lies, truths, and an impressive ego wall. Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks were outstanding. The look and feel of the movie felt so 1969, it just swallowed me whole.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Serye V

February was likewise a socially busy month, starting off with a lunch out at Trellis Restaurant on the 12th. The restaurant is located along Kalayaan Avenue corner Matalino Street, Quezon City. It’s an open restaurant, with a garden right in the middle of it, so the patrons are treated to a relaxing, green atmosphere while chowing on the establishment’s scrumptious dishes.

A colleague celebrated his birthday on the 18th by treating the group to a delightful dinner at Burgoo, Tomas Morato, Quezon City.

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The following day was a February celebrators’ birthday lunch at The Office…


The next birthday cum anniversary celebration was held at R Bistro Bar, along Timog Avenue, Quezon City on the 24th. It’s a nice restaurant, bathed in cool lavender, with lounge music. The food was great and the service was impeccable. What was wonderful fun was being able to sing onstage – it was really nice of Joshua, the performer for the night, to allow the group to do solo and duet numbers. That was the highlight of the night; well, for us ladies anyway. I bet the guys’ highlight was when Luningning of Wowowee came and was kind enough to pose for some pictures.

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The end of February, the 26th, saw the group again having a lunch out at Trellis Restaurant, this time with our Prosecutor friends. Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer (wink, wink).



March was not as busy, socially speaking. Two weeks into the month and I have only gone out twice – on the 3rd and the 5th.

The first  was at Shakey’s Congressional Avenue with my cousins. It was the final game between All-Filipino basketball teams, Purefoods and Alaska. We thought it would be nice to watch the game onscreen while having a dinner party. The hotdog guys won; and I had a delicious pizza and pasta meal :)

The latest was a colleague’s belated birthday celebration at Cabiserra, Congressional Avenue (where we had the group’s ‘09 Christmas Party).

For more Serye V pictures, click here.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Movie Library


The Phantom of the Opera

I loved it! It was a feast for both the ears and the eyes. Gerard Butler accomplished a difficult feat with this movie – making the Phantom look hot.





Bridget Jones’s Diary

While the movie did not remain loyal to the book, it was still enjoyable to watch. Colin Firth portrayed Mark Darcy brilliantly, with the right amount of snobbishness only the British can pull off. What surprised me was Hugh Grant effectively portraying the cad, Daniel Cleaver.


Bridget Jones’s Diary: The Edge of Reason

Now this second bit of the Bridget Jones series did not, at all, remain loyal to the book…well, except for Thailand and the drug-busting. It would have been heart-wrenching and heart-warming to see the love triangle among Bridget, Mark, and Rebecca. I’m not at all a fan of portraying Rebecca as a lesbian. Still an enjoyable movie, however, so I forgive those lapses.


Notting Hill

From being a cad to being such a charming, unassuming travel bookshop owner, Hugh Grant can do just about anything…except probably an action movie. This movie is one of my favorites in the romcom genre because it’s so simple and the emotions come out as so real. Julia Roberts shines in this movie and she only has to smile.



Mary Poppins

I grew up watching this classic film and I will let my kids watch this. I almost memorized all the songs from this film, and surprisingly, I still sing A Spoonful of Sugar whenever I feel depressed. I especially enjoyed, until now, the routine on the chimneys.




The Wizard of Oz

Another classic, The Wizard of Oz is oozing with spectacular visuals, wonderful songs, and life’s wisdom.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Random Images


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For the travel article, click here.

For more pictures, click here.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Serye IV

There’s nothing like welcoming the New Year with a bang!

13 January 2010, Wednesday.

The Manny Pacquiao-Miguel Cotto dinner at Crustasia, Trinoma Mall, for Php350/meal. It’s an eat-all-you-can buffet of sumptuous seafood and Thai dishes.

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14 January 2010, Thursday.

This time around, it was a night-out at Laffline, a comedy bar located along Timog Avenue. We had such a good laugh!

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15 January 2010, Friday.

Colleagues and I went on an official business at the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) in Pasay. Since the errand took us way beyond lunch time, we decided to have a feast at Aling Tonya’s, Seaside, Macapagal Boulevard.


16 January 2010, Saturday.

College friend invited me to his kid’s 1st birthday


18 January 2010, Tuesday.

Had dinner with a former colleague/friend at Napoli, The Block. It was a hefty meal composed of chicken pesto, oil and garlic with Hungarian sausage, onion rings, and the uber delicious four cheese pizza.

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22 January 2010, Friday.

Had an advance birthday lunch with my colleagues at Pink Pepper, Il Terrazo Mall, Tomas Morato. Colleagues surprised me with a banapple cake :)


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25 January 2010, Monday.

This time, it was Ching’s turn for his birthday lunch. We had it at Luk Foo Cantonese Kitchen, Commonwealth, Quezon City. My apologies as I didn’t bring my camera during this day.

27 January 2010, Wednesday.

The birthday celebrators for the month of January (me, Ching, Marvs, and Carol) had a power lunch (wink, wink) at the basement, which means everybody at the Office was invited. Again, I didn’t bring my camera.

29 January 2010, Friday.

Marv’s turn for his birthday lunch, at Gerry’s Grill, Tomas Morato.

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The staff of the restaurant, wishing Marv’s a happy birthday. For the video (well, the end of it) click here.




For more Serye IV pictures, click here.

30 January 2010, Saturday.


For the travel article, click here.

For the travel pictures, click here.


